District of Innovation Plan

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Northside Independent School District

2023-2028   |   Approved by the NISD Board of Trustees   |   April 25, 2023

Dr. John M. Craft | Superintendent

District of Innovation Plan - PDF Version ⬇

School Board Members

District 1     Joseph H. Medina (Trustee)

District 2     Gerald B. Lopez (Vice President)

District 3     M'Lissa M. Chumbley (Trustee)

District 4    Robert Blount, Jr. (Trustee)

District 5    Corinne Saldana (Secretary)

District 6    Carol Harle, Ph.D. (Trustee)

District 7    Karen Freeman (President)


NISD Board of Trustees group photo

2023-2024 District of Innovation Committee Members


  • Crystal Rivas, Carlos Coon Elementary School
  • Amy Hoffmann, Murnin Elementary School
  • Catherine Lazo, Jordan Middle School
  • Marisa Flores-Mascorro, O’Connor High School

Community Members

  • Roberto Zarate
  • Dr. Caroline Wernli
  • Edmund Meyer


  • Rose Davila, Thornton Elementary School
  • Tracey Dalby, Fields Elementary School
  • Jeanna Oser, Glenoaks Elementary School
  • Melissa Pepper, Scobee Elementary School
  • Olivia Chamberlain, Cole Elementary School
  • Jazmine Williams, Straus Middle School
  • Leslie Ortiz, Zachry Middle School
  • George Hickman, Jay High School
  • Holly Robbins, Clark High School


  • Jocelyn Dudney, Scobee Elementary School
  • Sherry Mireles, Rawlinson Middle School
  • Faustino Ortega, Ross Middle School
  • Geri Berger, Brandeis High School

District Staff 

  • Janis Jordan, Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction 
  • Ben Muir, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
  • Jerry Woods, Assistant Superintendent for High School Curriculum and Instruction
  • Nicole Franco, Facilitator, Leadership Development, Principal Coach
  • Sandy Bonnett, Executive Director of Elementary Administration
  • Valerie Sisk, Executive Director of Secondary Administration
  • Diana Ely, Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
  • Traci Wernli, Executive Director of Student Services 
  • Debbie Ruel-Schaefer, Director of Career and Technical Education
  • Carin Adermann, Director of Testing
  • Kelly Rasti, Director of Government Relations


Teacher and students

The Northside Independent School District

Established in 1949 by the consolidation of 12 rural school districts, Northside today is 355 square miles of urban landscape, suburban communities, and rural Texas hill country. As South Texas’ largest school system, Northside is the “Destination District” for thousands of families wanting a high quality school system.

Our Mission - Transform the Learning Experience for Students.

Our Vision - Every day, every student grows in confidence, curiosity, and capability.

Our Learner Profile - Every student will be:

  • Creators
  • Collaborators
  • Communicators
  • Critical Thinkers
  • Leaders
  • Learners
  • Innovators
  • Solution Finders

Our Beliefs

  • Each student deserves a quality education which honors their voice and prepares them to engage, contribute, and succeed.
  • Students’ health, safety, engagement, support, and challenge is directly linked to their academic achievement and future success.
  • Meaningful relationships among students, families, educators, and the community are vital to student success.
  • Classroom teachers have the most impact on student achievement followed by campus principals.
  • Public schools are essential to foster community and develop engaged citizens.


Steven HS top 10 graduates


The District of Innovation concept, passed during the 84th Legislative Session in House Bill 1842, gives traditional independent school districts most of the flexibilities available to Texas’ open-enrollment charter schools. The flexibility derives from the district’s ability to exempt itself from state mandates that may limit its ability to implement innovative ideas. The potential benefits of becoming a District of Innovation include increased local control to decide which flexibilities best suit local needs, freedom in customizing an innovation plan, and autonomy in that the innovation plan does not require state approval. 

The term of the Plan is for five years, beginning April 26, 2023 and ending April 26, 2028, unless terminated or amended earlier by the Board of Trustees in accordance with the law. If, within the term of this Plan, other areas of operations are to be considered for flexibility as part of HB 1842, the Board will appoint a new committee to consider and propose additional exemptions in the form of an amendment to the Plan. Any amendment adopted by the Board will not extend the term of this Plan. The District may not implement two separate plans at any one time.





November 15

Board Meeting

Approve Resolution

December 12

Academics Committee Meeting

Review Public Hearing and Committee

December 13

Board Meeting

Public Hearing; Appoint DOI Committee

Jan 12; 26; Feb 9

DOI Committee Meetings

Draft Plan

February 27

Academics Committee Meeting

Review Draft Plan and provide feedback

February 28

Board Meeting

Present Draft Plan

March 1

Post Draft Plan to Website

Garner Public Feedback

March 7

NEIC Committee Meeting

Review Draft Plan and provide feedback


Academics Committee Meeting

Review Public Feedback; Finalize Plan

April 25

Board Meeting

Approve Plan 

April 26

Submit to Northside ISD DOI Plan to TEA

Uniform Start Date - Texas Education Code §25.0811

Current Statute

Except as provided by this section, a school district may not begin instruction for students for a school year before the fourth Monday in August.


Flexibility in regards to the uniform start date allows the district to designate the first day of school each year to best meet the needs of our students, staff, and community.

Additional advantages may include:

  • The ability to assist in retention and hiring
  • The ability to align to other districts’ academic and UIL calendars  
  • The ability to  balance the two semesters

The District does not intend to implement this exemption for the purpose of altering the language in or application of teacher contracts.

Draft calendars will continue to be developed and feedback will be gathered from NISD stakeholders. This feedback will be used to form the final recommendation presented to the Board of Trustees.

Affected Regulation and Policy

(EB Legal/Local)

Probationary Contracts - Texas Education Code §21.102

Current Statute

Under current guidelines, probationary periods for newly hired teachers who have been in public education for at least five of the previous eight years cannot exceed one year. 


Flexibility in regards to the probationary contracts allows the district to evaluate the effectiveness and opportunity for growth of new educators to NISD in order to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community.   

Additional advantages may include: 

  • Additional time to fully determine the teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom. 
    • From 1 year to 2 years
  • Aiding the district in growing a highly accomplished faculty
  • Retention of teachers
  • Additional time to align the teacher to District expectations

This exemption provides additional time to campus leaders to better evaluate an employee’s effectiveness and provide an opportunity for professional growth as needed.

Affected Regulation and Policy

DCA Legal/Local, DBA Legal / Local

HR 16 Regulation

Campus Behavior Coordinator Provisions - Texas Education Code §37.0012

Current Statute

A person at each campus must be designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.


Flexibility in regards to the campus behavior coordinator provision allows the district to designate this responsibility to more than one campus administrator in order to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community.

Additional advantages may include:

  • Increased collaboration in regard to student support

NISD’s approach to discipline is more collaborative, with multiple people providing social and emotional support to students. 

Affected Regulation and Policy

FO Legal / Local; FFB Legal / Local

Educator Certification Requirements - Texas Education Code §21.003

Current Statute

All teachers paid by a school district must hold the appropriate teacher certificate or permit.


Flexibility in regards to the educator certification requirements allows the district to hire teachers for hard to fill, high demand secondary courses in order to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community. Due to federal guidelines, this flexibility doesn’t apply to special education and bilingual/ESL teachers.

Additional advantages may include:

  • The enrichment of applicant pools in specific secondary content areas 

More details:

Teachers hired without an existing certification will be required to enroll in and successfully complete an alternative certification program. 

Teachers hired with an existing out-of-state certification will be required to pass Texas state exams.

The District and hiring campus will assess appropriate professional learning needs for any teacher hired under this exemption. 

The Board can review the District process for assessment of annual needs. 

Affected Regulation and Policy

DK Legal / DK Local, DK Exhibit, DBA Legal / Local

HR 24 Regulation

Teacher/Administration Appraisal System - Texas Education Code §21.203, 21.352-21.3541

Current Statute

The state issued a teacher appraisal system in 2016-2017 called the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) and the Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS). The domains within these systems are developed by the State to meet the needs of the entire State of Texas.


Flexibility in regards to the Teacher/Administration Appraisal System allows the district to develop best fit instruments to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community.   

Additional advantages may include:

  • Alignment to the NISD Strategic Framework
  • Support of the NISD Learner Profile 
  • Differentiation by professional role

Affected Regulation and Policy

DNA Legal / DNA Local

DK Legal / Local/ Exhibit

ADM 20 Regulation


DNB Legal / Local 

ADM 21 Regulation

Frequently Asked Questions

To provide maximum flexibility in specific areas of need. These are solely in the areas of:

  • Uniform Start Date 
  • Probationary Contracts
  • Teacher Certifications in High Need Areas 
  • Teacher/Administration Appraisal System
  • Campus Behavior Coordinator Provisions

Not without a majority vote from the DEIC and two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Trustees (§TEC 12A.003) for each change.

What is the district's stance on: duty free lunch,  45 min conference time,  Safe Schools Act,  non-renewal hearings, contract rights,  safeguards for inquiry on religion affiliation, counselor ratio,  expulsion for serious offense,  class sizes ratio,  and following Texas minimum teacher salary scale?   Will the district be making any changes to these items, if so, what?  

The district is not asking for flexibility in any of these areas.

The language in the DOI will read: The District does not intend to implement the DOI for the purpose of altering the language in or application of teacher contracts.

Currently a committee approved by the board, made up of various stakeholders, is drafting the plan.  DOI will not impact or change the calendar for next school year. 

1. When will the calendar change go into effect?

The 2024-2025 school year

2. Would faculty/staff have to work longer hours or more days in a school year?

No. The District will not implement the Uniform Start Date exemption for the purpose of altering the language in or application of teacher contracts.

3. Will being a District of Innovation change Teacher Contract Days?


4. Will this designation require us to alter existing teacher contracts?


5. Will employees lose their “Duty Free Lunch?”


6. Will teachers continue to receive their daily conference?  


7. Will this allow the district to have “year-round” school?

That is not our intent.

8. Does this make the school year longer?

We have a process for developing the calendar that will continue.This includes gathering feedback from NISD stakeholders. This feedback is used to form the final recommendation presented to the Board of Trustees.

9. Does this affect the STAAR schedule?


At this time the District has no plans for implementation of this flexibility.

1. Is a probationary teacher subject to displacement?


1. Will parents be informed of the lack of certification of the teacher? 


2. Will the district hire Non-Certified teachers in ALL Content Areas?

No. The flexibility will only be given to secondary teaching needs related to secondary high need areas. Parents will continue to be notified any time there is an uncertified teacher of record.

3. If the applicant is certified in another state, do they just have to sit for the Texas certification exams?


1. Who falls under the umbrella of campus administrators at the campus?

  • Elementary School: Principal, Associate Principal, and interns
  • Middle School: Principal, Associate Principal, Academic Dean, Assistant Principals, and Interns
  • High School:  Principal, Associate Principal, Academic Dean, Assistant Principals, and Interns
  • NISD’s approach to discipline is more collaborative, and looks at the whole child. Multiple people provide social and emotional support to all students.