Advanced Academics includes Advanced Placement (AP) classes, Dual Credit classes, UT OnRamps classes, and the Alamo Academies. Some of these classes and programs require an application process for students to qualify.
The campus commits to advanced academics by communicating the value of advanced coursework, recruiting students with potential success, encouraging student commitment, and supporting advanced academics instruction.
Course Commitment Northside ISD recognizes the value of student participation in advanced academic coursework and encourages students to graduate from high school with at least one advanced academic course credit such as Advanced Placement. Participation in advanced academic courses is a foundation of college readiness. Choosing Advanced Academics and AP courses are designed to challenge students beyond grade-level academic courses and prepare them for success in future advanced coursework. Students who opt to participate in AP or advanced courses must successfully complete prerequisite coursework and demonstrate mastery on course-related state-mandated performance assessments prior to enrollment in the course.
Dual Credit:
Northwest Vista Collegeโs Dual Credit Program allows eligible high school students to earn college credit for certain high school courses in which they are currently enrolled while completing their high school requirements. In order for students to participate in the program, the high schools must be approved to offer dual credit courses. Dual Credit is different from AP credit.
OnRamps' innovative dual-enrollment program brings rigorous courses aligned with the high standards and expectations of The University of Texas at Austin . The key benefit of early exposure to postsecondary education is the authentic entry point to college expectations it provides for students and their families. In addition, earning transferable college credit while in high school accelerates degree completion by reducing the costs and impact of student loans and increasing lifetime earning potential. In OnRamps students learn first-hand all that it takes to succeed in college before they get there.