Special Education Department:
- Elizabeth Mendez ~ Special Education Campus Coordinator
- Christopher Liaw
- Gabriel Hicks
- Reginald Moore
- Frances Lee
- Barbara Badillo
- Jessica Haston
- Roxanne Moore
- Rosana Cabrera
- Diana Covarrubias
- Delia Moser
- Patrice Dargan
- Melissa Lapid
IA’s - Crystal Chavez
- Donna Uzzell
- April Quintanilla
- Lisa Gomez
- Michelle Tamez
- Stacy Howe
- Shania Johnson
- Amber Noll
Our mission is to engage students with disabilities with high-quality, intentional instruction to ensure growth and personal success.
Applied Learning Environment (ALE) This service promotes independence in the areas of: self-advocacy, social skills, employability, self-care, knowledge and/or access to community resources, and the ability to appropriately engage in recreation and leisure activities.
Behavior Mastery Center (BMC) Specialized environment that contributes to the acquirement of academic skills and pro-social behaviors that generalize throughout all aspects of a student's life.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
This program utilizes the TEA PK Guidelines as well as HighScope instructional framework to be the foundation for the classroom learning environment, adult-child interactions and the daily routine. Many instructional resources utilized in the classroom are Welcome to Frogstreet PK, Handwriting without Tears, and Second Step are provided to the teachers to develop engaging hands-on activities.
The Speech-Language service helps students improve their speech and/or language and assists them in becoming more successful in school by improving their listening and speaking skills.