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Family Engagement & Title 1

Family Engagement Mission & Vision

Northside Family Engagement will provide support to our staff, families, and community partners to create meaningful relationships that facilitate student success. Our vision is to connect schools, families, and the community through partnerships that are accountable, support students' success, and empower families.


Title 1

Title 1, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is supplemental funding to support high poverty schools in providing opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills in the State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards that all student must meet. These funds are supplement to the local education funds that all Northside schools receive.

In addition to instruction, funds are provided at the district and campus levels to assist parents in becoming partners in their children's education. NISD Family Engagement Program and NISD Even Start Family Literacy Program coordinates with campuses to provide a variety of opportunities that support parent and family engagement.

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