Testing & Identification

Testing & Identification Banner

A three-step process determines the identification and placement of students for participation in the NISD gifted program: (1) referral, (2) screening and assessment, and (3) identification and placement.

Step 1: Referral

Referrals may be made by persons familiar with the student’s abilities, potential performance, and past records. Student referral opportunities will be available during designated referral windows each school year. Gifted & talented referral windows are included on the GT Testing Schedule. In addition, an awareness session providing an overview of the assessment procedures and services for gifted & talented students is offered for families by the district prior to the referral period.

Testing Session

Parent Referral Deadline

Testing Window

New to NISD with prior GT status ONLY All Grades


Ongoing as students enroll AFTER receiving GT documentation from previous district

District CogAT Testing Grade 5

All NISD 5th graders tested - all referrals due by November 15, 2024

September 23 - October 4, 2024

Elementary Grades 3 & 4

October 11, 2024

October 15 - 25, 2024


January 10, 2025

January 10- February 7, 2025

District CogAT Testing Grade 2

All NISD 2nd graders tested - all referrals due by April 17, 2025

February 10 - 28, 2025

Elementary Grade 1 

February 28, 2025

March 3 - 28, 2025

Secondary Grades 6-12

February 21, 2025

March 3 - April 25, 2025

Step 2: Screening and Assessment

The NISD Gifted & Talented Program assessment process includes both qualitative and quantitative data collected through three (3) or more measures and used to determine a need for gifted/talented services. Qualitative data includes parent and teacher surveys. Quantitative data includes both ability and achievement scores. Students are assessed in languages they understand to the extent possible, or with non-verbal assessments. 


Step 3: Placement

Final determination of a student’s need for gifted & talented services is made by a district screening and identification committee that includes at least three (3) local district or campus educators who have received training in the nature and needs of gifted & talented students and who have met and reviewed the individual student data (19 TAC §89.1(4)). A balanced examination of all assessment data collected through the district’s gifted & talented assessment process is conducted and used by the identification committee in making program placement decisions. If a parent disagrees with the committee’s decision regarding placement, the parent may appeal the decision. More information may be found in the District Plan for Gifted and Talented Education.

Once a student has been placed in the Gifted & Talented Program, the student will continue to receive services each year unless there is sufficient evidence that the program no longer meets the student’s educational needs, resulting in the student being furloughed or exited from the program. Students identified for gifted & talented services in NISD will receive services at any NISD school they attend unless a furlough or exit has occurred.

New to NISD Students

New to NISD students who have received gifted & talented services in their previous school district are not automatically placed into NISD’s Gifted & Talented Program. Following notification of enrollment in NISD, previously identified students may be referred and assessed using NISD’s Gifted & Talented Program criteria. Parents of new to NISD students should contact the campus GT Specialist  and provide documentation to ensure a timely transition. The NISD Gifted & Talented Department strives to complete this assessment and placement process within the first six weeks of enrollment.  

Students new to Northside who are interested in the Gifted & Talented Program should see their campus GT Specialist for more information.

Returning Students

Northside ISD GT students who withdraw from NISD will be automatically placed back in the Gifted & Talented Program if they return to Northside ISD. 

Military Students

Military students, who have been previously identified as gifted & talented and have been receiving GT services will be placed in the GT Program in compliance with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. Parents of military children will need to contact their campus GT Specialist and provide documentation to ensure continued services.

Contact Us:

(210) 397-7842
Department Contacts