Cole ES kinder student writes book

Cole ES Kinder Author


Skylar Crocker is six years old. She loves rainbows. She’s full of energy. She loves her family. And she’s a published author.

The Cole Elementary School kindergarten student published her first book, A Sky Full of Emotions, in June 2021.

The book explores what she calls a very important topic, emotions, focusing on seven of them through words, illustrations, and of course rainbow colors. Some of the emotions highlighted are excited, silly, angry, loved, and sad.

The story begins, “my emotions are a part of me. I can feel them and express them.”

Skylar first told her mother that she wanted to write a book last Christmas. Ashley Rodriguez didn’t know exactly how to start the process but reached out to a family friend who is an editor.

“It’s important to help our kids make their dreams come true and know that they are achievable,” says Rodriguez.

For six months, Skylar met with the editor virtually to flesh out the book, sharing voice notes she recorded on her iPad.

Skylar wants to write more books in the future with possible topics including a little girl that goes to outer space and a story about her relationship with her dad.

Skylar’s kindergarten teacher Cynthia Gallardo has incorporated the book into their lessons too. There’s a school-wide focus on social emotional learning with practices that include morning meetings for daily check ins.

“She’s very in tune with her classmate’s emotions,” Gallardo says. “She asks how they’re feeling and comforts them.”

Cole ES Principal Tod Kuenning asked Skylar to autograph his copy of the book. He told her that he appreciates that it includes journal pages, called “My Emotions Diary,” for readers to explore what that they are feeling. 

“My favorite part of the book is at the end because you leave space for other students to talk about their emotions too. You’re helping a lot of people.”

A Sky Full of Emotions is available on Amazon.