Professional Development in Gifted/Talented & Advanced Academics

If you are hired for one of the following positions listed below, then you need 30 foundation clock hours of professional development in gifted education:

  • Kindergarten
  • HS Advanced & AP
  • GT MS content teachers
  • MaC-GT classroom teachers
  • Honors
  • UT OnRamps
  • Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment
  • GT/Enrichment Specialists

(These teachers provide instruction and services that are part of the NISD program for gifted students.)


These positions require staff development in gifted education before taking the teaching assignment or completed before the end of the first semester of employment in the position.

The Texas Administrative Code on Gifted/Talented Education (TAC) §89.1-§89.5

What exactly is required?

A minimum of 30 clock hours of staff development that includes nature and needs of GT students, identification & assessment of GT student needs, and curriculum and instruction for gifted students is required.

What if you already have the hours?

Simply show verification of the hours to your campus GT/Enrichment specialist. They will guide you on how to include it on your Northside Unified Talent transcript.

Are there other requirements?

Yes, a minimum of six hours annually of professional development in gifted education is required.


Northside Independent School District provides these and many other staff development opportunities to help you meet this requirement. Contact your campus GT/Enrichment Specialist or the District G/T Program Coordinator for assistance (397-7842).