students sitting in the outdoor classroom on a nice sunny day

Counseling Services

Get Involved With McAndrew Counseling

Hello Highlanders!!!

My name is Mrs. Flores and I am the proud School Counselor at McAndrew Elementary! I was born and raised in San Antonio and  am a proud NISD graduate. I attended UTSA where I received my Bachelors in Psychology, minored in Sociology and received my Masters in School Counseling. I started my educational career at Fort Sam Houston Elementary as a Kindergarten teacher and transitioned into the counseling role with NISD in 2009. It is a great privilege to be part of your child's educational journey. I am committed to providing a positive, supportive environment, teaching students to be effective leaders and learners while ensuring students feel safe, loved. 

Below you will find a bit more about the Counseling Program at McAndrew Elementary.

General Overview: 
Since children may experience a variety of concerns at different developmental stages, McAndrew's Guidance Program offers many services that assist students in acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for healthy development. Guidance and Counseling services are offered for all children in grades K-5.

The Guidance and Counselor program at McAndrew Elementary is designed to be proactive and preventative as well as development. Students will be worked with in 3 different settings: 

  1. All students in Kinder - 5th receive classroom guidance lessons with their class every 6 days.
  2. Students may be invited to participate in a small group setting. In small groups, 4-6 students at a time, students are taught special skills. These groups meet during the school day once every 6 days for six 30 minute sessions. Parent permission is required.
  3. Individual students are seen by the counselors when they have a concern which may interfere with their ability to learn or concentrate on school work. An appointment may be made to see the counselor by the student, teacher, parent or by invitation of the counselor.


Classroom Guidance:

Guidance classes are part of Northside's Comprehensive Guidance Program in which the counselors teach students skills to enrich their educational and social lives. These skills are taught to entire classes. The guidance curriculum is intended to support the objectives of academic instruction and to help students develop to their full educational and personal potential.

Guidance Lessons are intended to cover the following 4 Skill Goals

1. Intrapersonal Relationships

  • Developing a positive self-concept
  • Changing a particular behavior
  • Developing ways to manage the demands of school, social activities and family
  • Making positive decisions and taking responsibility for actions.

2. Interpersonal Relationships

  • Evaluating how prejudice can be harmful
  • Respecting and Appreciating differences 
  • Learn how to effectively communicate with others
  • Navigating relationships with friends, dating partners, family members, teachers and employers

3. Post-Secondary Planning and Career Readiness

  • Motivation to achieve in school
  • Understanding how grades can affect post-secondary choices
  • Selecting a career or college path
  • setting post-graduation goals

4. Personal Health and Safety

  • Identifying resilience and positive coping skills 
  • Identifying assertiveness skills for personal protection
  • Learning how to set personal boundaries
  • Creating a personal wellness plan

6 Pillars of Character

  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Fairness
  • Caring 
  • Citizenship

Small Group Counseling

Small group sessions are available and designed to intervene on behalf of students whose immediate concerns impact their social, emotional, personal or educational development. Students may be referred to small group counseling by parents, teachers, or they can self refer. Parent permission is required for children to receive these services.

Helpful Sites

40 Developmental Assets - Search institute is an independent, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization committed to helping create healthy communities for every young person.

Character Counts - Josephson Institute develops and delivers services and materials to increase ethical commitment, competence, and practice in all segments of society.

Clarity Child Guidance Center - Clarity, Child Guidance Center is a nonprofit mental health treatment center providing programs designed specifically for kids ages 3-17.

Love and Logic - Love and Logic provides simple and easy to use techniques to help parents have more fun and less stress while raising responsible kids of all ages.

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3) - This website is designed to better inform the public about the interstate Compact for Educational Opportunities for Military Children and serves the needs of the military families of our service men and women. It will also provide valuable resources, News, contact information, link, and recent rulings by the Commission.

Northside Guidance Page - Important information about the NISD guidance program with an array of resources that allow students to develop to their full potential. 

Operation Respect - Operation Respect is a non-profit organization working to assure each child a respectful, safe and compassionate climate of learning where their academic, social and emotional development can take place free of bullying, ridicule and violence.

Operation We Are Here - Operation We Are Here has the reputation of being The go-to resource directory for military families, veteran families, and military supporters. It is an exhaustive, comprehensive database of military resources.

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