Marshall LMS Mock Trial Team


Emmanuel Hernandez

Dr. Ricardo Alarcon


Date and Times of Meeting

Mondays and Wednesdays

4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Meeting Locations

Classroom B106 (Courtroom)


PURPOSE: To create a competitive platform for students to engage in a simulation or enactment of a judicial proceeding. Mock trials provide students with understanding of the judicial system, legal process, federal rules of evidence, and courtroom procedures. Trial team members will have the opportunity to play different roles, including trial attorneys, expert witnesses, judges, and bailiff.


COMPETITIONS: YMCA Youth and Government District Conference; YMCA Youth and Government State Conference; Texas High School Mock Trial Competition.  Each year students evaluate and debate high profile cases from across the nation. Double murders, wrongful death, top civil cases and so much more. This section allows students to team up with other classmates to argue their case, on both prosecution and defense. Students can also participate as Judges preside over the courtroom and make the ultimate decision on who wins the case.

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