
Passmore Elementary Library

Library Banner

Welcome to the Passmore Elementary Library!! 


Library hours are 7:30 - 3:00 pm. Schedule may vary depending on morning, lunch or afternoon duty, meetings and other events. 

  • Kindergarten and 1st grade students may check out one Easy book per week. Books will stay in their classrooms. 
  • 2nd - 5th grade students may check out two books every other week that may go home, depending on classroom expectations. They will not be able to check out a book if they have a lost or overdue book or if they owe a fine until the issue is resolved.  
  • Learners in 1st - 2nd grade are encouraged to use the 5 finger rule to find Good Fit Books.
  • Parents may check out up to 5 books at a time for a period of 2 weeks. 


*Library Program Vision:  Create a culture of independent learners. 

*Library Program Mission: To provide a logical and efficient library space where learners are free to explore, collaborate and self - select reading resources. 


*NISD Elementary Libraries Directory:

*Passmore Library Digital Book Catalog:


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