Reddix students and staff sitting, listening to a presentation

Mission, Vision, & Core Beliefs


Empower students to explore interests, build skills, and find the right supports through Person Centered Planning and developing self determination 



Every student will find their purpose, passion and place in the community.


Core Beliefs

  • Each student deserves a quality education which honors their voice and prepares them to engage, contribute, and succeed.
  • Students’ health, safety, engagement, challenge, and support is directly linked to their academic/personal achievement  and future success.
  • Meaningful relationships among students, families, educators, and the community are vital to student success.
  • Classroom Teachers and Instructional Assistants have the most impact on student achievement followed by Campus Principals and Support Staff..
  • Public schools are essential to foster a diverse community and develop engaged citizens.
Cafeteria Info & Menus
Health Services Information
Buses & Boundaries
District Programs
School Safety