- NISD Career & Technical Ed. Programs of Study by Campus
- Career Preparation Courses
- Accounting & Financial Services
- Architectural Drafting & Design
- Automotive & Collision Repair
- Business Management
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology & Personal Care Service
- Culinary Arts
- Cybersecurity
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - EMT
- Digital Communications - Audio Video Production
- Early Learning
- Engineering Foundations
- Exercise Science, Wellness & Restoration
- Graphic Design & Interactive Media - Animation
- Graphic Design & Interactive Media - Commercial Photography
- Graphic Design & Interactive Media - Fashion Design
- Graphic Design & Interactive Media - Graphic Design
- Health & Wellness
- Law Enforcement
- Marketing & Sales
- Programming & Software Development
- Renewable Energy
- Teaching & Training
- Web Development
- Welding
Agricultural Science & Technology Academy
CAST Teach High School
Communications Arts High School
Construction Careers Academy
- Architectural Drafting & Design
- Carpentry
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Management & Inspection
- Electrical
- Plumbing & Pipefitting
Health Careers High School
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Clinical Lab
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Dental
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Medical Assistant
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Medical Research
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Pharmacy Technician
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - Sterile Processing
Jay Science & Engineering Academy
- Biomedical Science
- Engineering Foundations
- Programming & Software Development
- Robotics & Automation Technology
Marshall Law & Medical Services High School
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services - EMT
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services
- Exercise Science, Wellness & Restoration
- Government & Public Administration
- Law Enforcement
- Legal Studies
- Nursing Science
Northside School of Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship (NSITE)

Robotics & Automation Technology
Business & Industry or STEM Endorsement
PR: Prerequisite | CR: Credit for Course | SEM: Semesters | LC: Local Credit
(It is recommended students follow the program of study sequence level 1-4 as outlined by TEA.)
Level 1: Principles of Applied Engineering M #8703
This course provides an overview of the various fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and their interrelationships. Working on design teams, students will use multiple computer hardware and software applications to conduct research, design and create projects, and present ideas related to biotechnology, electronics, robotics, and automation. Students will use appropriate tools and demonstrate safe work habits.
SEM: 2 CR: 1
Level 2: Manufacturing Engineering Technology I M #8722
(Freshman who completed Principles of Applied Engineering in the 8th grade are APPROVED to enroll in this course in the 9th grade)
Students will gain knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, and assessment of products, services, and systems and how those knowledge and skills are applied to manufacturing. Students will prepare for success in the global economy. The study of manufacturing engineering will allow students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings in a manufacturing setting.
SEM: 2 CR: 1
Level 3: Robotics I M #8733
Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer advanced academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will build prototypes or use simulation software to test their designs. Additionally, students explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the robotic and automation industry.
SEM: 2 CR: 1
Level 4: Robotics II M #8734
Students will explore artificial intelligence and programming in the robotic and automation industry. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will build prototypes and use software to test their designs.
PR: Robotics I
SEM: 2 CR: 1
Level 4: Practicum in STEMโRobotics #
(Only for students who completed Principles of Applied Engineering in middle school.)
A course designed to give students practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Students develop technical knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics career field. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.
PR: Algebra I and Geometry
SEM: 2 CR: 2