Brandi Bode-Assistant Athletic Director

Warren/CCA Athletic Department Statement:

We endeavor to develop our student-athletes of Warren/CCA into responsible and productive young men and women.


These guidelines have been prepared for you as a prospective athlete at Earl Warren High School. It is our belief that a student who elects to participate in athletics is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline and self-denial. If we find that a student cannot or will not comply with the established rules and regulations pertaining to his/her academic progress, grooming, training habits, and/or conduct which includes the willingness to accept the decisions of the coaching staff, that student will be removed from the athletic program.

The concept of self-discipline and self-denial is tempered by our responsibility to recognize the rights of individuals while never losing sight of the objectives of the team. It is our opinion that there is no room in high school athletics for students who will not or cannot discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition. It is also our opinion that an athlete should be willing to put team goals and team concerns above him or herself. Coaching decisions are first based on what is best for the team and secondly what is best for the/an athlete.

As we strive for excellence, we do not want our student-athletes to be compromised with mediocrity. Our success depends on the inner strength and commitment of all participants.



A. It is the athlete's responsibility to:

  1. Attend every practice or meeting scheduled, except when ill or otherwise excused by the head coach in advance and to be on time to all practices or meetings. Contact must be made with your coach if you are unable to attend a practice or meeting. Missing practice/competition for club/AAU activities is unacceptable. However, campus UIL activities will take precedence.
  2. Pursue and attempt to master the sport you are involved in.
  3. Express opinions and ideas in a respectful manner so as not to slander others.
  4. Pay charges for lost equipment as set in the codes.
  5. Be aware of all rules and regulations for athletic behavior as outlined and conduct himself /herself in accordance with them.
  6. Dress and appear in accordance with the standards set by the coordinated effort of the team involved and head coach.
  7. Cooperate with the coaching staff in investigation of disciplinary cases and volunteer information relating to an offense.
  8. Assist the coaching staff in operating a safe athletic program.
  9. Be prepared for each practice or meeting with the necessary materials or equipment. If equipment needs repair – show it to a coach immediately.
  10. Exhibit an attitude of respect towards individuals and property. Always conduct himself / herself in a positive manner.
  11. Refrain from making profane, insulting, threatening, or inflammatory remarks, or engaging in disruptive behavior. This is to include all social media sites.
  12. Seek changes in the athletic guidelines in an orderly and responsible manner through contacting of the head coach and asking for a meeting.
  13. Respect the discipline management plan both in the classroom and in athletics.



There are certain training rules and standards you must be willing to accept if you do wish to be an athlete. You must be willing to deny yourself some seemingly pleasurable items that you will be confronted with. You must be able to say “NO” to certain things if you truly desire to excel. It is proven fact that alcohol, tobacco and drugs produce harmful effects on the body and is injurious to the development of human growth both mentally and physically. You cannot compromise athletics with substance abuse.

A. Alcohol/Tobacco:

  1. Use of alcohol or tobacco will result in possible removal from the team, pending investigation. Refer to Athletic Code of Conduct.

B. Illegal Drugs:

  1. Use or possession of illegal drugs will result in immediate removal from the team, pending investigation. Refer to Athletic Code of Conduct.



The younger student-athletes are watching you. The athletes at the nearby middle schools are depending on you to show them how to be the best. They look up to you and will copy you in many ways. Do not do anything to let them down. The conduct of an athlete is closely observed in many areas, thus it is very important that your conduct be above reproach wherever you maybe.

A. On the field of competition:

  1. Refrain from using profanity or illegal tactics.
  2. Understand that losing is part of the game and that you should be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
  3. Show class whether in victory or defeat by being courteous and congratulate the opponent on a well played game.

B. In the classroom:

  1. Respect and adhere to classroom rules and procedures set by the teacher.
  2. Be alert and attentive to instruction and complete all assignments on a timely manner.
  3. Show respect to your teacher and other students. Horseplay and cutting-up in the classroom are not acceptable, nor approved patterns of behavior.
  4. Be on time to class and NEVER cut class or school.

C. On/off campus:

  1. Carry a positive attitude and be proud of who you are and what you stand for.
  2. Remember because you are an athlete everyone is watching you.



-“intentional or reckless act by one or more persons against a student that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into affiliating with, holding office, or maintaining membership in an organization whose members include students at an educational agency.” ***Hazing / Bullying will not be tolerated and will result in immediate suspension and possible removal from the team, pending investigation. This is to include cyber-bullying on social media sites.



All members of any athletic team are expected to be well groomed. Appearance, expression, and actions always influence people’s opinions of you, the team, the school and the community. Once you have volunteered to be a member of the team, you have made a choice to uphold certain standards expected of athletes in the community. Our standards are set purposefully high. Fads and “cultural” styles may not be approved or acceptable. Our guidelines will stand on the judgment of our athletic coordinator and head coaches as approved by the athletic director and principal.

A. Hair:

  1. Will be of reasonable length and style. Unnaturally colored, streaked, lined, gaped, patched, pigtails, scorpion-tails, spikes, mo-hawks, and the like will not be acceptable.
  2. Sideburns will not extend below the ear and are to be straight, not tapered or flange.
  3. Facial hair will not be acceptable. Beards, goatees, or moustaches will not be worn.

B. Dress code:

  1. Must be presentably dressed and well-groomed at all times. This includes at school, assemblies, trips, banquets, etc.
  2. T-shirts or hats promoting alcoholic beverages, drugs, or even rock/hip-hop/rap groups are not acceptable.
  3. Body piercing (other than for earrings on the ears of females) is prohibited. Male athletes will not wear earrings in the athletic building. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, earrings or other jewelry will not be worn during any practice or contest.
  4. Tattoos are strongly discouraged. All tattoos should be covered when competing. It is important to note that these grooming standards are in effect for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. THEY ARE NOT “SEASONAL” STANDARDS. Athletes not in compliance can be suspended from participation of any sort, including workouts.



A. Quitting:

We encourage all athletes to never give up in competition, and to give their best effort at all times. We believe, when an athlete starts with a team he/she is responsible to see it through to the end. There are occasions, however, when an athlete may find it necessary to drop a sport for good reason. If this is the case, the following procedure must be followed:

  1. Talk with your immediate coach, then the head coach of the sport.
  2. With mutual understanding, the athlete should be either reinstated into the program or removed from the program. If the athlete is removed by his/her request, a note from the parent or guardian must be received stating that they understand/accept the decision.
  3. An athlete quitting a sport can not practice with nor participate on a team in a concurrent season or upcoming season until the season from which the athlete has quit has been completed.



A. UIL compliance:

  1. Students beginning ninth grade must have been promoted from a lower grade prior to the beginning of the current school year.
  2. Students beginning their second year of high school must have earned 5 credits, which count toward state high school graduation requirements. Students beginning their third year must have earned a total of 10 credits or 5 credits during the 12 months preceding the first day of the current school year. Students beginning their fourth year of high school must have earned a total of 15 credits or 5 credits during the 12 months preceding the first day of the current school year.
  3. A student who receives, at the end of any grading period (after the first six weeks of the school year), a grade below 70 in any academic class (other than an identified advanced class) or a student with disabilities who fails to meet the standards in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) may not participate in extracurricular activities for at least 3 school weeks. AN INELIGIBLE STUDENT IS ALLOWED TO PRACTICE WITH THE TEAM.
  4. A student regains eligibility when the principal and the teachers determine that he/she has;
    1. earned a passing grade (70 or above) in all academic classes, other than those that are advanced, and
    2. completed the three school weeks of ineligibility.
  5. District policy will dictate the eligibility standards concerning advanced classes. Our primary focus is to help our student-athletes earn the proper credits to graduate from high school while maintaining eligibility to participate in our programs.


VIII. BEHAVIORAL CONTRACTS / Opportunity For Improvement:

Any violation of campus/team guidelines and expectations may result in being placed on a contract for improvement. Contract violation can/will result in removal from the athletic program.

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