Jordan Middle school students and staff


Jordan has an amazing nurse that does her best to keep Jordan healthy, Renee Shutes. The clinic can be reached directly at 210-397-6159.

If you or your student have been diagnosed with COVID or feel that you have symptoms please contact our nurses at the above number for guidance. 

Also, please contact the nurse if your student has medications that need to be maintained on campus. 

In an effort to expedite the reporting of student COVID cases we ask that you use the link provided below to report all COVID related matters such as a confirmed COVID case, positive test results, COVID exposure, COVID symptoms, and etc. 

We have also attached the latest isolation and quarantine recommendations to help assist you in knowing what to do in regards to COVID related matters.

If you have to report a COVID related matter such as a positive case, exposure, test results, symptoms, please use the link.  Our nursing staff is continually monitoring submissions and responding to our families.  It is extremely important that we get this information as soon as possible.

View NISD immunization information

Questions not answered by this article can be directed to the campus nurses.

Northside Independent School District - Health Services Department
Student Screening Information

The state of Texas currently mandates school districts to conduct health screenings for students each school year. In compliance with the state guidance, Northside ISD will be conducting the following screenings this school year.

Vision and Hearing Screening-Pre-K, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade.

Students in all grades, who are new to the district, will also be screened. Pre-K and Kinder will be screened in the first semester of the school year. For students in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th, the screening will take place anytime within the school year. If a student does not pass the initial vision or hearing screening, a second screening will take place in approximately 2-4 weeks. If a student does not pass the second screening, a referral letter will be sent home by the school nurse.

Texas Risk Assessment for Type 2 Diabetes (visual screening of the neck)-1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders

Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin marker (usually seen on the back of neck) associated with high insulin levels and is considered a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. Students found to have the skin marker will be individually assessed for height, weight, and blood pressure and a written referral with the results of the assessment will be sent home by the school nurse.

Spinal Screening (visual screening of the back)

School nurses will check the students for signs of spinal problems such as Scoliosis. This screening usually occurs during the first semester of the school year. Girls are screened at age 10 or during the fall semester of 5th grade and again at age 12 or during the fall semester of 7th grade. Boys are screened at age 13 or 14 or during the fall semester of 8th grade.  Catching a spinal problem early can make the treatment much easier and may prevent serious health issues. The screener will look at the studentโ€™s back while he/she stands and bends forward. If a student does not pass the screening, a referral form will be sent home by the school nurse.

In lieu of the screening(s) provided by the school:

  1. Parents or guardians may provide a recent screening record signed by a licensed professional.
  2. The Texas Department of State Health Services allows parents or guardians to provide a signed statement that the vision, hearing or spinal screening conflicts with the tenets and practices of a church or religious denomination of which the affiant is an adherent or member.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the campus nurse.

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