- Football
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Track
- Tennis
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Please click each link to take a short tour of each elective choice
In middle school, students are allowed to take a variety of electives based on their grade level and interests. Please note that SIXTH grade students get 1 elective choice, while seventh and eighth graders get 2 elective choices. Students will also need to select alternate electives in case their first choice(s) conflicts with a required course.
Art Art students learn a variety of art techniques, including drawing, painting, printmaking, 3D art forms, fiber, and digital art. Levels of art include Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced and High School Art. Students in all levels of Art may need to purchase basic supplies for this course. Grades: 6/7/8
AVID AVID is a college-preparatory planning class designed to assist students with organizational and study skills with an emphasis on academic success. Students will need to apply for the class, which is intended to help them build their executive skills. There are no prerequisites, purchases, or performances for this course. Avid 1 HS does count as high school credit, so there is an attendance requirement. Grades: 6(Advisory)/7/8
Band Band students learn the skills needed to become a woodwind, brass or percussion musician. They also learn to develop the skills to read rhythms and music staffs, produce quality tones on instruments and become a performing musician in class and in front of an audience. Beginning students will need to make an appointment or attend open instrument placements with the band director to help select your instrument for your beginning year. Students will need to purchase music and uniform pieces, along with instrument rental, if needed. Levels of Band include Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Jazz Band. This class does have required performance grades. Grades:6/7/8
Choir Treble choir for girls, or Tenor/Bass choir for boys, is a place for students to learn to sing. They also learn to read music, produce good tones, keep rhythm, and perform music in class and in front of audiences. No prior music experience is required, just a love of singing! Levels of Choir include Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Choir, and students are placed in either Treble Choir or Tenor Bass Choir based on their vocal range. Students do need to purchase a required shirt for concerts. This class does have required performance grades. Grades:6/7/8
Dance Dance gives students the chance to develop skills in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, musical theatre, social dance, and world dance styles. They will also learn to improve technique, self-confidence, creative ability, and concept of wellness. Students perform as an ensemble for audiences. Levels of Dance include Dance 1, Dance 2, and Dance 3. Students will need to purchase clothes for dressing out for this class. This class does have required performance grades. Dance 1/2/3 MS may be counted as either an Elective credit or as a PE credit each school year. Grades:6/7/8
Orchestra Orchestra students learn to play a stringed instrument----violin, viola, cello, or bass. They also learn to read music, produce good tones, keep rhythm, and perform music in class and in front of audiences. You will need to make an appointment with the orchestra teacher to discuss your instrument placement, and you will need to purchase/rent an instrument and other needed supplies for this class. You do not need string experience to take this class. Those who have taken strings in elementary school may be placed in Intermediate or Advanced Orchestra. This class does have required performance grades. 6/7/8
Principles of Business Services (PBS) Future Lab Students in this class participate in experiences that model real-world industries. The goal of this course is to create a foundation for success in high school, future studies, and careers in Business, Industry, and Public Service. Career and Technical Education clusters addressed include Agriculture, Business/Finance, Nutrition, Education, Fashion, Health Science, and Marketing. Survey course that can lead into High School endorsement pathways in Human Services, Teaching and Learning, Health and Wellness, and Business Services. Students may need to purchase items to supplement projects throughout the year. There are no required hours outside of school.Grades: 7/8
Principles of Human Services Students will assess the relationship between health and wellness and personal and professional achievement. Students will evaluate the effects of crises, stress, and domestic violence on individuals and the family and recognize appropriate responses and management strategies. Students will identify the basic needs of children as well as caregiver guidelines that promote safe and healthy child development. Students will create meals according to dietary guidelines. Students will create written and electronic records of client services for cosmetology, fashion design, and interior design. Students may need to purchase items to supplement projects throughout the year. There are no required hours outside of school. This class counts as high school credit, so there is an attendance requirement. Grade 8th only*Required opening elective for High School endorsement pathway in Teaching and Learning.
STEM Future Lab Students in this class participate in experiences that model real-world industries. The goal of this course is to create a foundation for success in high school, future studies, and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Career and Technical Education clusters addressed include Architecture, Arts & Audio Video, Construction, Engineering, Information Technology (Cyber), Law (Forensics), Manufacturing, and Transportation (Automotive). Students may need to provide supplies for projects during the school year. This class does not have any required hours outside of school. Grades: 7/8*Survey Course that can lead into Career and Technical Education course Principles of Engineering for High School
Spanish Students in this class study speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish as a foreign language. The culture of various Spanish speaking countries is also explored. Students may need to seek extra tutoring, based on their class performance. Levels of Spanish include Spanish 1 & Spanish 2. These classes count as high school credit, so there is an attendance requirement. Grades:7/8
Theatre Students in beginning theatre learn skills for acting, technical theatre, historical and world theatre, and audience etiquette. They also refine their skills in working together with a group to perform in front of an audience. No prior experience in theatre is needed to take this course. This class does have required performance grades. Grades:6/7/8
Office Assistant Students assist school personnel in the front office, counseling office, attendance office, library, and vice principalโs office. Selection is based on communication skills, grades, citizenship, and attendance. Students who would like to be office assistants should select other electives as well, since selection is competitive. 8th only

Northside ISD introduced the Intramural Program in 1992. The after-school program involves all middle schools and Health Careers High School and it is a place for students to enjoy recreational activity in the form of organized sports and tournaments at no cost to the family.
The 28-day program is available November thru March and will be led by campus teachers. Each campus will implement a schedule prior to the season beginning.
Please contact the front office for more information.
Mrs. Lykes, Mr. Piirto
First Thursday of every month in the Library from 7:55 - 8:30 am
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Members must be inducted to NJHS spring induction ceremony following nomination by their teachers.
Andrea Cotham
H107, 7:50 AM, first Friday of every month
Travel Bound is for students who are or would like to travel with other Luna Middle School students during the summer of 2020! This June, we will be traveling to Washington DC and New Your City for six days. Come find out more about the teachers and students traveling this year!