Scobee Services

Special Education

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Our mission is to ensure that educators engage students with special needs with high-quality, intentional instruction to ensure growth and personal success.

ESCE - (Early Childhood Special Education) Services Eligible children with disabilities aged three through 21 years are entitled to receive a FAPE under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In Texas, special education and related services for eligible children with disabilities, aged three through five years, have historically been referred to as preschool programs for children with disabilities (PPCD). In effort to clarify and promote understanding that any child aged three through five years who is eligible for and receiving special education and related services through a school district must be served in the least restrictive environment specified in the childโ€™s IEP, references to PPCD are being phased out of this and other TEA publications over time and will instead be considered to be receiving ECSE services. ECSE refers to the services provided by the school district, not to the place where they are provided. Eligible children may receive PPCD services in a variety of settings, including district settings, such as pre-K, resource, and self-contained classrooms, and community settings, such as community-based Head Start programs and preschools. A student receiving services may have a grade level of EE, Pre-K, or K (kindergarten), depending on the studentโ€™s age, the location where services are provided, and whether the student is eligible for Pre-K.

ALE - (Applied Learning Environment) This Specialized Support Environment is intended for students who generally have disabling conditions in the areas of intellectual disabilities, autism, multiple disabilities, and other health impairments with the severity in the moderate to severe range. Students access grade-level TEKS through the pre-requisite skills due to their significant cognitive delays.  

A student may participate in this specialized support classroom beginning in the school year in which he/she is 6 years old by September 1 and through the school year in which he/she turns 22 after September 1, (Some exceptions are made based on student needs) Areas of concentration are academics and independence.

BMC - (Behavior Mastery Center) The purpose of the program is for a child who is having behavioral challenges to establish relationships in society and to become a contributing member of society. It is an environment that provides safety and structure where students can learn to manage emotional behavioral issues. A more restrictive setting for students who require consistent monitoring, supervision and structure.

Collaborative Support - When provided the appropriate level of support to meet their needs, most students with disabilities can be successful in the context of the general education classroom with a variety of supplemental aids and services, which in some cases might include instruction or behavioral support from a second adult.  This support is directly related to the goals and objectives of the student with the disability and is designed to minimize the impact of the disability on the performance of the student in the general education classroom. The support occurs in the general education classroom. The frequency and intensity of support is based on the individual need of the student and is determined via the IEP process.

Speech - The Speech-Language service helps students improve their speech and/or language and assists them in becoming more successful in school by improving their listening and speaking skills.  These services are determined on an individual basis by the Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee.

Special Education Counseling - This service provides counseling that focuses on school-related issues and is considered to support the student in achieving his or her individual education goals in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Counseling emphasizes practical and immediate application rather than development of insight. These services are determined on an individual basis by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee.

Scobee Elementary Special Education Department

Scobee Elementary provides a continuum of special education offerings and settings ranging from full inclusion with non-disabled students and only minimal special education support to full-time special school instruction.

Special Education Coordinator: Audrey Resendiz

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0728

Special Education Coordinator: Yvonne Hernandez

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0728

Speech Pathologist: Marsha Rice

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0727

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE): Meredith Bilhartz

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0700

Applied Learning Environment (ALE): Callie Swartz

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0739

Behavior Mastery Center (BMC): Stacey Null

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0719


Audrey Resendiz

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0728

Yvonne Hernandez

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0728

Zazil Alvarado

  • Email:
  • Phone: 210-397-0728

For information on all of the Special Education services offered by Northside ISD, visit the Special Education website.

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