Two Stevenson choirs participated in this year's U.I.L. Choir Concert and Sight Reading Assessment.



Purpose Statement

The coaching staff is devoted to helping students/athletes embody passion in what they do, exhibit respect and concern for others, take responsibility for their actions, and facilitate an awareness of their natural talents and leadership skills and then developing them.

Football, Volleyball, Boy/Girls Basketball, Track, Tennis, Soccer, & Golf

Meeting Time & Location
Locations and times are subject to change. Call (210) 397-7300 for more info

Stevenson Middle School Clubs and Organizations


Acorn Club 

Acorn Club is to improve environmental literacy through hands on, inquiry-based science activities and to increase community involvement in environmental science activities.

Sponsor(s): Amy Lascari

Meeting days: 1st Monday of the month

Room: 233


ASL Club

ASL Club is Stevenson’s Sign Language Club. You will be learning the American Sign Language alphabet, as well as phrases that will enable you to communicate with the deaf. If you already know sign, you can interact with other students who are learning and improve your skills.

Sponsor(s): Gabriela Wolfenberger

Meeting days: Tuesdays at 4 PM, starting in October 

Room: 130


Chess Club

In Chess Club the mission to provide a safe level environment to explore the game and connect and socialize with peers.

Sponsor(s): Valentina Volpe

Meeting days: Monday 4 -5 

Room: 142


Crochet Club

Crochet club is open to all students from beginner to experienced. We provide yarn and common sizes of crochet hooks, but students working on large or specialty projects will want to bring their own materials. 

Sponsor(s): Samantha Maldonado

Meeting Days: Thursday, 4:10-5:00  

Room: 120



ESPORTS to connect competitive gamers with each other and provide a social avenue to discuss competitive gaming. 

Sponsor(s): TBD

Meeting days: TBD

Room: TBD


Gamma Sigma Girls

Founded in 2010, Gamma Sigma Girls® is a unique leadership development program offered by Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas in partnership with area school districts. Similar to a sorority, Gamma Sigma Girls® (GSG) will bring girls together through the bond of sisterhood and allow them to explore common interests in a safe space.

Sponsors: Marivel Shrout

Meeting Days: Wednesday

Room: 150


Gifted and Talented Club

This is for gifted and talented students to meet and interact with other like-minded students and help with school work and work on creative projects and play skills games.

Sponsor(s): Ashley Clary-Carpenter

Meeting days: Wednesday 8:00 - 8:30 am

Room: 243



Coaches and Athletes grow together with food, fun and fellowship.

Sponsor(s): Coaches Taylor and Nanez

Meeting days: once a month

Room: Competition Gym


National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Students are inducted into NJHS in seventh or eighth grade based on grades and citizenship. NJHS Membership is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, service and citizenship

Sponsor(s): Alessandra Dominguez, Geoffrey Long

Meeting Days: Last Thursday of each month

Room: Library

Nature Club

Students will investigate and identify native and nonnative plant and animal species on the Stevenson campus.  We will document the flora and fauna as Citizen Scientists utilizing  iNaturalist.

Sponsor:  Carrie Ramirez

Meeting days: First and Third Tuesday of the month

Room:  164  

Read Theater Club

In this club the goal is to increase reading fluency by practicing readers theatre scripts. 

Sponsor: Pacheco

Meeting days: TBD

Room: 268


Robotics Club

Members only.  Application process begins the second week of school. Robotics Club engages in research, problem-solving, coding, engineering, building and programing. 

Sponsor: Geoffrey Long

Meeting days: Tuesdays  from 7:30-8:30 am beginning the last week of September.

Room: S-102


Spirit Club

The Spirit Club will promote school spirit, build a positive and inclusive school culture and foster a sense of community among students.

Sponsor(s): TBD

Meeting Days: TBD

Room: Competition Gym

Student Council

Student Council is open to all grade levels.  Student Council helps develop and promote leadership abilities by building partnerships between the school and community.  

Sponsor(s): TBD

Meeting Days: TBD

Room: TBD

Unity Club

A safe space for LGBT+ students to engage in discussion, learning and campus activities to promote understanding. The goal being for students to feel accepted, seen and understood.

Sponsor(s):     Shelley Connolly

Meeting days: Room: 271





ElectiveGrade LevelTeacher
ArtAll GradesNatalie Arias, Shelley Connolly, Savanna Cummings
BandAll GradesPamela Herrera, Cynthia Settles
ChoirAll GradesJason Brown
Career & Technical Education - Family Consumer SciencesAll GradesSamantha Maldonado
Career & Technical Education - Industrial Technology/STEM7th & 8th GradesGeoffrey Long
DanceAll GradesJennifer Gonzales
OrchestraAll GradesJennifer John
Spanish7th & 8th GradesIrene Astwood, Amy Lascari Molina
TheaterAll GradesKaitlyn Wood
Journalism & Yearbook7th & 8th GradesAlessandra Dominguez
Intramurals Sports logo

Northside ISD introduced the Intramural Program in 1992. The after-school program involves all middle schools and Health Careers High School and it is a place for students to enjoy recreational activity in the form of organized sports and tournaments at no cost to the family.

The 28-day program is available November thru March and will be led by campus teachers. Each campus will implement a schedule prior to the season beginning.

Please contact the front office for more information.

Cafeteria Info & Menus
Health Services Information
Buses & Boundaries
District Programs
School Safety