Gamma Sigma 2024 Ropin' Dreams AVID service project support

Stevenson Phone/Tardy Policies

Stevenson Personal Electronic Device Policy


● Personal electronic devices cannot be used between 8:40 - 3:55.

● Social media and camera use is not allowed on campus.

● Personal electronics can be used by students:
○ Before school in their grade level areas or library.

● While using electronics during designated times, students must use headphones
or keep the device on silent. Speakers are not allowed.

● During passing periods, earbuds or headphones must be put away.


1st offense - pick up in the APO at the end of the day

2nd offense - parent pick up in the APO

3rd offense - parent pick up in the APO

4th offense - parent pick up in the APO and phone contract issued
*Offense count resets at the second semester


Tardy Policy / Required Intervention Strategies

Students tardy to class will receive the following, per grading period and per class period:

● 1st Tardy: Verbal warning and parent contact (email or phone call)

● 2nd Tardy: Parent contact via phone call

● 3rd: Tardy: Office referral - parent contact - consequence, lunch detention

● 4th Tardy: Office referral - parent contact - consequence, after school detention

● 5th Tardy or more: Face-to-face parent, student, teacher, administrator conference

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