Questions regarding attendance procedures, contact:
Attendance Secretary Caroline Martinez (210) 398-1311
Attendance Secretary Janine Sanchez (210)398-1258
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:45 pm
Checkout Cut-Off Time
4:00 pm
(These times will vary based on testing days and early release days)
(Verification of Enrollment) for learner's permit/ driver's license:
students need to email brennanattendance@nisd.net at least 24 hours in advance and the VOE will be emailed back to the student's school email address.
VOE's are only good for 30 days, so please make sure you have an appointment before requesting.
VOE Eligibility :
1) The school considers the student currently enrolled at the time the student applies for the VOE, and
2) the school awarded the student credit for each class the semester prior to application for the VOE. If the student was not awarded credit for each class the semester prior to application for the VOE, the school should examine attendance records for the semester prior to application for the VOE and determine whether the student was present 90% of the time each class was offered. If so, the VOE may be issued. If the student did not receive credit and did not attend 90% of their classes, the school attendance committee and/or administration may approve a plan establishing conditions for the student to meet in order to receive a VOE.
For change of address please email proof of residency to attendance, along with a copy of parent/guardian photo ID.
- Acceptable forms for Proof of Residency: CPS, SAWS or a trash bill (dated within the past 30 days)
- Bill must be first full-page showing usage at the new address
- All students who drive to campus, including students 18 years of age must have written permission from parent/guardian to sign themselves out of school early for appointments.
- Parents must email written permission to both attendance secretaries first thing the morning of the appointment along with a copy of a parent or guardian photo ID.
- Students will need to stop by the attendance office to obtain a pink pass to leave campus after their first period class ends. (students will not be called down if they are driving themselves. Obtaining the pink pass is very important).
- Parents/Students will need to follow this process each time a student that drives to campus has to leave.
- All students who do not drive to campus must have a parent/guardian/emergency contact come to the attendance office with a photo ID to check the student out.
Send all Doctor and Parent notes to brennanattendance@nisd.net
Subject: Student Name and Student ID #
Login to your Parent HAC account to check attendance and email teacher(s) directly to address any attendance mistakes.
If you need to reset your login information follow the prompts on the website or email brennanattendance@nisd.net