Douglas Boldt / Sarah Hayter
Meeting Time/Location
Every Monday and Wednesday morning from 7:00-7:40 A.M

One of the great features of our music program is our 5th grade strings taught by Ms. Sarah Hayter, orchestra director from Jordan MIddle School.  Students are given the opportunity to learn violin, viola, cello, or double bass.  Classes are every Monday and Wednesday morning from 7:00-7:40 A.M.  Classes are free, but students will need to provide (rent) their own instrument.  Instruction begins on Monday, September 19th but students are welcome to join through the end of the month.  For questions feel free to contact our music specialist Douglas Boldt at douglas.boldt@nisd.net or Sarah Hayter at sarah.hayter@nisd.net.  Attached are forms with more information.

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