Leon Valley Extracurriculars webpage

Garden Club

Jenna Hudon
Meeting Time/Location
Room 38, Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM, 2nd and 4th Grade Only


The purpose of the Garden Club at Leon Valley Elementary is to introduce students to ways we can grow our own plants and food, to inspire the desire to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all living creatures, and to encourage students to continue learning about the natural world. 


El propósito del club de jardinería en la primaria Leon Valley es presentarles a los estudiantes las formas en que podemos cultivar nuestras propias plantas y alimentos, inspirar el deseo de crear un ambiente limpio, saludable y sostenible para todas las criaturas vivientes y para alentar a los estudiantes a continuar aprendiendo sobre el mundo natural.

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