Scobee Academics


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Northside’s High-Quality Prekindergarten Program utilizes an instructional framework that supports a play-based curriculum that prepares students to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Many of our classrooms have specialized programming that includes bilingual, ESL, and special education. Northside’s Prekindergarten classrooms are taught by teachers with college degrees and Texas certifications with specialized training in early childhood education. All ten domains of the PreKindergarten Guidelines are taught throughout the full-day prekindergarten program. These domains include Social emotional, Emergent Literacy Communication, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Physical Development, and Technology. 

Prekindergarten at Scobee Elementary

Welcome to Prekindergarten at Scobee! Our littlest Challengers are part of Northside’s Early Childhood program. Here on campus, you’ll find two traditional Prekindergarten classrooms as well as one self-contained Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom. Our instructional framework includes structured and imaginative play, hands-on activities, small groups, large groups, ample outdoor play, and dedicated time to social-emotional learning each day. Emergent literacy, writing, math, fine arts, and social studies are integrated into lessons and small groups.

From Prekindergarten to Grade 5, students at Scobee are encouraged to respect and care for each other. Our Prekindergarten classroom functions as a home away from home. Students have designated spots for their belongings, and teachers and peers model social skills to promote positive behavior. We learn to support each other, not because we have to do it, but because we want to take care of our school family. Instilling these values are important for a child's first experience with school. We’re proud that our Prekindergarten classes are full of T-L-C: teaching, loving, and community-building.

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