Scobee Services

Early Childhood Special Education

Services Eligible children with disabilities aged three through 21 years are entitled to receive a FAPE under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In Texas, special education and related services for eligible children with disabilities, aged three through five years, have historically been referred to as preschool programs for children with disabilities (PPCD). In effort to clarify and promote understanding that any child aged three through five years who is eligible for and receiving special education and related services through a school district must be served in the least restrictive environment specified in the child’s IEP, references to PPCD are being phased out of this and other TEA publications over time and will instead be considered to be receiving ECSE services. ECSE refers to the services provided by the school district, not to the place where they are provided. Eligible children may receive PPCD services in a variety of settings, including district settings, such as pre-K, resource, and self-contained classrooms, and community settings, such as community-based Head Start programs and preschools. A student receiving services may have a grade level of EE, pre-K, or K (kindergarten), depending on the student’s age, the location where services are provided, and whether the student is eligible for pre-K.

The ECSE program at Scobee for the 2022-23 school is self-contained, meaning that it is a classroom composed 100% of students with identified special needs and IEP (individual educational plan) goals. The ECSE class works in conjunction with the ECSE district department to provide individualized and modified instruction in the areas of academic, behavioral, communication and functional skills. The ECSE teacher also works closely with a variety of related services such as speech, occupational and physical therapy when/if
needed. Our daily class curriculum features Math, Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, Social Emotional Learning, Independent work time, and Outside/Motor Skills time.

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