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Northside Independent School District (NISD) provides instructional opportunities and various services designed to meet the unique needs of students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability and/or specific subject matter aptitude in language arts, science, social studies and/or mathematics. These programs provide an appropriately differentiated curriculum in an effort to help students work to their fullest potential. GT program services may include instruction for students that provides for greater depth, more complex content, and enrichment activities. Specific GT program services are available in kindergarten-12th grades. GT program teachers serving identified GT students have met the state requirements necessary for the teaching assignment. NISDโ€™s GT program design is based upon the work of Dr. Joseph Renzulli's concept of "giftedness," which addresses the student's intellectual ability, creativity, and task commitment. Northside Independent School District recognizes that all gifted students are entitled to a program of educational experiences which provide opportunities to maximize the development of their capabilities.

The High School GT program consists of Seminars, GT Leadership 1 & 2, and Independent Study Mentorship (ISM). These courses are taught by GT Specialists on the campus who also manage the GT referral, screening, and testing process. High school students also have the opportunity to participate in advanced courses, including but not limited to Advanced PlacementOn Ramps, and Dual Credit.


GT Leadership 1 

This honors elective class offers GT freshmen and sophomores a hands-on, active learning approach to leadership and organization including college planning, resume writing, decision-making skills, problem-solving techniques, communication skills, human relation skills, and understanding the need for civic responsibility. Students enrolled in the course will apply these skills in dealing with peers, school administration, and the community. Students may receive a speech credit for this course, if needed.


GT Leadership 2 

This honors elective class offers GT sophomores, juniors, and seniors the opportunity to focus on their choice of entrepreneurship or service while allowing for global awareness and recognizing the contribution of responsible citizens and leaders through business models or service projects.  Students work in collaboration to develop products or events that connect their personal passions and interests, using a business model or service project conceptualized,  created, and executed by the students. The goal of this course is to give students an opportunity to practice the professionalism, leadership, and collaborative skills they will need in the post academic world while developing academic skills and learning about the real-world marketplace and community needs.


Independent Study Mentorship (ISM) 

Gifted juniors and seniors may enroll in an Independent Study Mentorship class. In this honors class, students pursue an area of special interest under the guidance of a mentor for a full year. At the end of the year, students must do a presentation and product display to an invited audience including a panel of experts from the selected field of study. Students, parents, mentors, and college entrance committees report that this is the most useful preparation for the real world offered by the educational system.



Seminars are held throughout the year on various topics. Presenters in various areas of arts and sciences examine contemporary and futuristic issues to provoke studentsโ€™ curiosity, inquiry, and involvement. Students may sign up to attend one or more of the seminars offered during the school year.


Warren/CCA GT Specialist:

Quentin Smith


phone: (210) 397-4200


For additional information, visit the NISD Gifted & Talented website.