
News Archive

Winter Dance Spectaculars set for Dec. 6 and 7

More than 700 students from all 12 high schools’ fine arts dance programs will participate at the 14th Annual High School Winter (Dance) Spectacular on Wednesday, Dec. 6 and 7 at Brennan High School. T...

JSEA student named All-Star Athlete

Jackson Gutierrez, a senior at Jay Science and Engineering Academy, was chosen as the 2023-24 KENS 5 All-Star Student Athlete Award winner. Surrounded by his fellow football team members, he was presented the award by KENS5 Great Day reporter and co-host Clark Finney. ...

Folks MS 8th grade teacher among best in San Antonio

Dominique Roose, an eighth-grade Social Studies teacher at Folks Middle School, was told by her principal, Shawn McKenzie, to bring her students to the gym for an 8th-grade goal-setting pep rally Tuesday morning.  She had no idea it was all a ruse. ...

NISD-TV produces a variety of informational and promotional videos about Northside's educational programs, schools, staff members, students, challenges and successes. NISD-TV live-streams District events so that graduations, school dedications, and Educator of the Year events can be viewed live on the Northside website.



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Inside Northside Weekly

Inside Northside Weekly is published every Wednesday for staff by the Northside ISD Communications Department to share information about Northside schools and departments and recognitions of Northside staff and students.

Submitting stories & photos to Inside Northside Weekly

We depend on staff members from every campus and department to submit information about student and staff honors and events.

Send your submission to, and please observe the following criteria:

  • Photos should be in focus and high-resolution quality. No cell phone photos, please.
  • Provide first and last names and grade level (if applicable) of all students, staff members, and other identifiable people in photo captions.
  • Be sure to include as much information as possible (one to two paragraphs) about your event or program.
  • Include the date of your event, if applicable.
  • Do not submit pictures of children until a photo release form has been secured and filed with you or your school.
  • For stories related to a holiday or special day (Red Ribbon Week, for example), please send submission within five days of the event.

We receive hundreds of submissions every month and work hard to publish as many as possible. Please understand that it can take up to several weeks after submission for an item to be published. Not all submissions will be published; other submissions may be posted online at Inside Scoop or Around the District.

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